Blue Circle

Let's Work Together

SEO + Website Migration

The Goal:

Project: SEO + Website Migration

The Goal:

J Street came to us for a website migration and organic growth.

Coupled with a content plan and link-building effort, the Blue Noda team funneled a qualified lead to purchase a $80,000 project.

The Result:

  • Seamless migration to
  • WordPress/Elementor
  • Analytics built in for full-visibility
  • Full training on the website to give managers the tools to edit
  • Link-building to bring J Street to Page #1
  • Custom content plan to build domain authority

The Result:

I've been fortunate to work closely with Andrea for my company's web design and SEO needs. On top of delivering improvements, she has given me tons of valuable information and put the tools in my hand to tackle many of our needs on my own. She is great to work with!

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