Blue Circle

Let's Work Together

Ashley Distribution Services

Andrea and her team are extremely easy to work with. They have taken our older/underdeveloped website and have redesigned it into a modern, user friendly, and interactive site. The turnaround was fast and affordable which is exactly what we needed to get the project off the ground and running. I'm excited to see how else their team will be able to improve our strategy and website growth!

The Goal:

  • Redesign a New Landing Page
    Integrate their custom TenStreet Application API
  • Build on a platform that allowed their team to grow and edit the site at their leisure
  • Find an affordable and trustworthy hosting environment
The Result:
  • A microsite with full training so many users on the Ashley team can feel confident in editing
  • Analytics built in for full-visibility
  • 15% increase in conversions

Explore Case Studies

SEO Audit

Kadima Careers

HubSpot Onboarding and Web Design/Dev

Kadima Careers was a new brand with a big mission when they met us. We designed a new website to fit the branding and goals, implemented HubSpot Marketing Pro with full automation for webinars...

Wolf Pack Chorus

Web Design and Social Strategy

Wolf Pack Chorus is a brand new restaurant that opened on the East Side of Cleveland in January 2022. With a new domain and zero following, the Blue Team had to build a following for open.