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Understanding Agile Web Development and Why it Leads to Better Results

The agile methodology is one that derives from software development and it is our humble opinion that executing an agile web development framework is simply the best approach for the developers and the client.

What is agile web development?

Agile web development is actually a broad category of methodologies based on the principles outlined in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, which was compiled by a team of professional developers in 2001. Specific methods such a scrum and XP are considered agile although they existed before the manifesto was written. Through their combined experiences of working with other developers, the authors recognized the value of adaptive planning and collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. The goal is to allow for flexibility and provide rapid and continuous improvement of software solutions. Early delivery is also a key goal of agile development, which entails streamlining projects by eliminating time-sucking tasks. {source keycdn}

Traditional web development vs agile web development

For many clients who have been through a web design + dev project with an agency – this process will sound familiar.

The stages of a waterfall method go something like this:

The biggest difference to note between the two is a sequence of steps as opposed to an ongoing re-iteration. Agile is simply more realistic to web design because it is complex, and changes are inevitable based on constant feedback and testing.

Why We Love Agile

1. Faster feedback

Keeping the client and the production team in tune with the completion of each sprint ensures the project is moving along as they intended. One BIG issue a lot of website builds face is content creation. If you take the time to properly define your personas you will extract targeted messaging, and a better understanding of the functionality needed. Daily scrum with production teams will create alignment and also provoke the opportunity to discuss roadblocks thus mitigating risk for delay in launch for each milestone defined.

2. Being truly ‘agile’

Change is inevitable – and when you (the client) and your development team are aligned, the sprint planning is much more realistic. Change no longer translates to “obstacle” but rather “learning opportunity”.

3. High Productivity and Lowered Costs

Faster and more efficient development eliminates the need for overtime pay or added cost when you are “out of scope”. When realistic sprint planning for each milestone is developed – as a team – everyone will reap the benefits.

4. Happier Clients

More interaction with each sprint equates to quality assurance and testing implemented throughout the development process as opposed to at the end.

There are a bunch of other great reasons that tie into the Scrum Framework which we will break down in a future blog.


We have learned so much about web development over the past several years and the conclusion is that it is more than just launching a pretty website. The foundation of inbound is imperative – building a site for your users – and understanding that change (provoked by each test) is for the betterment of your user, and in the long run, your ROI.

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